Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Happily all Wilbur's friends have found new schools but sadly he is on his own now. To help cheer him up I took him to visit Ephesus - Room 3 you might like to find a web site with more pictures so you can learn something about Ephesus and you will see what kind of a day he had.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Istanbul International Community School (IICS)

It was a 5:30 am start today since the trip to school involved a tram ride to Kabatas, a funicular journey from there to Taksin Square and a bus trip to the school. We had checked out the route and timing the day before - nothing like reducing the margin for error! Principal Sean Murphy and his wife Susan met me at Taksin Square just after 7 am since he had doubts about the reliability of the bus because of some problems they had been having. We were able to engage in professional and personal discussion on the 45 minute journey to the school.

IICS occupies two sites; the Hisar campus in Istanbul has 90 children (ages 3-9) and is under the day-to-day management of the vice principal; the Marmara campus is about 25 km from Istanbul and accommodates ages 3-18. I visited the Marmara campus and was hosted by Sean and his very friendly and helpful staff. I also had the good fortune to be able to spend some time with Jeremy Lewis, Head of School.

Founded in 1911, IICS is a private, non-profit, coeducational pre K-12 school serving Istanbul’s international community. Enrolment is open to holders of non Turkish passports.

The school is accredited to offer IBO programmes for PYP, MYP and Diploma. It is also accredited by the Council of International Schools (ICS) and the New England Association of schools and Colleges (NEASC).

In its primary student information handbook the school affirms that in its education policies and practices there will be nothing contrary to the interests of national security, to the activities of the Turkish Nation or to its national values.

All children are transported, mostly by bus, from the city. A few children live in an area near the campus. Travel from the city can add 1.5 to 2 hours to the school day for children. Most staff also live in Istanbul; a staff bus carries them to and from school each day; at the end of the day I rode back to Taksin Square with them.

The school has a rural setting and facilities are excellent with primary and secondary classrooms housed in separate wings of the 3 level building. While my interest was in the primary area, one could not help but notice how some facilities are shared by all students; e.g. gymnasium, cafeteria, library, auditorium, courts and fields.

The curriculum is organised within the framework provided by the IBO Primary Years programme. A high degree of collaboration within and across grade levels is expected in order to ensure a strong plan is achieved across the primary section of the school. This provides consistency and continuity for children who may very well continue in the school beyond the tenure of their teachers. Year 6 children’s exhibition work was interesting, colourful and well displayed in the ample corridors; it also showed some high quality thinking of which the children can be well pleased.

Our teachers would be envious of class sizes which were all less than 20 with some being as low as 15!

The visit to IICS was really worth the 5:30 am start!

This picture was taken from the gymnasium looking back at the school. The front entrance is on the other side.

The school has an international focus and this theme - same as our 2008 theme is illustrative of that.

Year 6 exhibition displays in the foyer.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

American School In London

Michael Ehrhardt is the principal of the Middle School of the American School in London I had the privilege of learning from him a lot about his school and about the school as a whole.

ASL is a coeducational, independent school of more than 1,300 international students in Kindergarten through Grade 12. The Middle School is made up of about 460 children organised in single grade levels with no more than 20 students in each class. The school’s purpose is to “provide an American education of the highest quality in an international setting.” The School is owned by the American School in London Educational Trust and is registered as a charity in the UK and a non-profit in the US. It is governed by a board of trustees, made up of members of the School community and the head of school.

The issue of accreditation is important to ASL which is accredited by the Council of International Schools and the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. The school is also a member of the National Association of Independent Schools, the Council of International Schools, the Council for the Advancement of Education and the College Board.

ASL is a non profit school which basically means that any money the school makes is put back into the school. This is evident in the quality of the buildings/facilities, staffing and programmes in particular. School assemblies are carried out in a most impressive, tiered auditorium – no excuses for fiddling and inattention! One could not but be impressed with the physical and resources aspects of the school.

Entrance to the Middle School Library.

A Middle School classroom.

When I was in the school Michael had several classes away on school trips including such places as Italy and Hadrian’s wall as well as more local visits within London. Staff turnover is low (around 15%) and the school does not appear to have problems attracting applicants when they advertise vacancies. Neither is the availability of short or long term relievers a problem.

The school cafeteria.


No pictures today - too busy reading reports from schools on progress with their ICTPD programmes. It's great to read these from a distance since one is able to take a more objective view than might otherwise be the case. As a result the impression I am gaining of progress within schools and across the cluster generally is a very positive one. When I read each report I think to myself, "Wow! That's fantastic - these teachers are really onto it!".

I hope to complete a draft Milestone report by the end of the weekend for sending on to other principals for reading, comment etc before submitting to our national facilitator. There, having stated my goal I'd better get on with it!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus (CHIJ)

Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus (CHIJ)

I had the privilege of visiting CHIJ Katong Primary School on Monday, a visit made possible by, Morag, one of the residents in the complex where Dionne and Duncan live. Morag is Scottish and her husband Singaporean. Their daughter had previously attended the school and Morag is a regular volunteer at the school.

For the last two years the school has been operating on temporary premises while their original site gets a complete ‘make-over’ – I was able to see briefly the work in progress. The principal, Margaret Tan is looking forward to setting up the remodelled school towards the end of the year.

CHIJ is a 1200+ student school for girls founded by a Roman Catholic priest. The school vision is, “From girls to women of grace and substance”. Although founded by a religious order, the school has children and teachers from all faiths. The emphasis is not on a specific religion but on values and principles of being and living that most of us would agree were relevant to all of us. The fact that the school ‘really lives its values’ is what attracted Morag to this school rather than an international school, which is what most expatriates would have chosen.

Several things were of interest at CHIJ – I am sure I will think of others as I reflect more fully on the experience over the next few weeks. Firstly, it operates under the auspices of the Singapore Ministry of Education and so follows the curriculum requirements set down by the government. Secondly, the school year, while it starts in early January, generally follows the calendar year with breaks every ten weeks. Thirdly, there were 40 children in each class. Fourthly, 800 children in the upper grades start school at 7:30 am and finish at around 12:30 pm while 400 or so children in the lower grades start at 1 pm – I don’t recall what time they finish. Teachers start and finish in line with children’s attendance.

While the school is operating out of temporary premises (the site had previously been occupied by another school which has since been relocated) it was interesting to see how ‘permanent’ everything was. Three computer labs, each with 40 computers (2 PC and 1 Mac), colour printers, servers and software were available for issue to children as we would do for any other library item.

While I was in the school I had an opportunity to attend a parent session on managing anger. The parent association organises and publicises a programme of educational events for the community. Today’s session was called ‘Breaking the anger Habit’. The next two are, ‘Parent talk for lone parents’ and following that, ‘The psychological impact of information technology’. The presenters are professional people paid for by the parent association – I didn’t find out how exactly how the funding for that works.

I was interested in the leadership model the school uses and will write more on that for our staff. The language may be different but there are similarities with the way we write up our strategic and annual goals. There are some differences in the detail that are worthy of reflection.


While the school is operating out of temporary premises (the site had previously been occupied by another school which has since been relocated) it was interesting to see how ‘permanent’ everything was. Three computer labs, each with 40 computers (2 PC and 1 Mac), colour printers, servers and software were available for issue to children as we would do for any other library item.

Staff work room.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Singapore American School

The vision of the Singapore American School is to inspire a passion for learning, encourage emotional and intellectual vitality, and empower students with the confidence and courage to contribute to the global community and to achieve their dreams.

Principal Marian de Groot showed me around her [Elementary] section [Grades 4, 5, and 6] of SAS today. There are 850 children, 39 classrooms, 78 teachers and 43 support staff in the school.

The school buildings house 5 schools – kindergarten, primary, intermediate, middle school and high school. This is the largest International School in the world with 3,800 students across its five schools.

One cannot but be impressed firstly, by the facilities and secondly the student focused approach to curriculum. You name it; this school probably has it – very well resourced library, auditorium, specialist teaching facilities for art, music and PE, computer labs, brilliant cafeteria, outdoor equipment/play areas with well cushioned fall areas and ample car parking. The intermediate section of the school also has at least two swimming pools – one with 6 lanes.

A wide range of specialist teachers support curriculum delivery and staff professional development. Teachers begin school at around 7:30 am and go through until about 4:30 pm. They do not have supervision duties; these being carried out by support staff but they are required to participate in scheduled, focused curriculum professional development activities including collaborative projects and ‘professional learning communities’ work.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Overseas Family School

Overseas Family School (OFS) is made up of four schools - Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle and High School. OSF is a proprietary limited company led by a board of directors to whom each of the section leaders/principals report.

Principal, Aaron Nussbaum was kind enough to show me around the elementary section of the school.

There are 1300 students in the elementary section of the school and over 3000 in the whole school. In that total are 60 different cultures making it a truly multicultural school.
Students are organised into 60 classes of no more than 25 in each. The total faculty of 115 teachers includes specialists for PE, Art, ICT and some other curriculum areas.

The IBO PYP philosophy, programmes, learner profile and principles provide the basis of the curriculum.

The school is authorised K-12 by the International Baccalaureate Organisation, Geneva; accredited K-12 by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, California, USA. (WASC) and registered by the Singapore government.


Today I visited Chatsworth (East) International School and enjoyed a tour of the school and a lengthy discussion with the principal - Jane Hollands.

Chatsworth East caters to the educational needs of students from a wide range of nationalities, aged 3 to 11 years.

Three years ago this campus didn't exist; you wouldn't know it because it looks and functions as well as any established school - testimony to Jane's hard work and dedication over this time.
The building is two storey's high and, in comparison with NZ schools, has limited outside play space but the children seem to be able to work successfully within the space available to them.

Classrooms are well presented and orderly; displays are colourful, vibrant and reflect the learning that is taking place. Evidence of seemingly unlimited colour photocopying is everywhere!

I visited every classroom and found the children friendly, polite and interested in my presence. I was most impressed with the Year 6 class I sat in on as they gave summary reports of their exhibition work. I was easily convinced they knew what they were doing; it was obvious they had put a lot of work into their inquiry unit. They were articulate, enthusiastic and demonstrated excellent attending and cooperative skills.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Saturday night out

Sin Hoi Sai Eating House on East Coast Road. A restaurant on the pavement might not be everyone's idea of a night out but looks can be deceiving - the food was absolutely to die for!!

Chilli Singapore crab - a local favourite.

BBQ sea bass - very scrumptious!


Prior to modern housing projects the definitive Singaporean building was the shophouse. A business operated on the lower floor while the family accommodation was situated on the upper floors. The first of these were constructed around the 1840s and several ‘periods’ followed; each with architectural features particular to that period. Columns, tiles and brightly painted surfaces are some of the main characteristics of the houses. These pictures were taken in the vicinity of Katong Gardens where most of these former shophouses are now sought after as modern residences - some going for in excess of $NZ1,500.00.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Foreign domestic workers

150,000 foreign domestic workers work in Singapore, often as ‘maids’ in expat households. They come from the Phillipines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka in an attempt to earn money to support their families in their country of origin. Their incomes are low in comparison with what New Zealanders earn at home but is considerably more than they could hope to earn in their home country.

While there is a level of ‘protection’ for them they live and work at the behest of their employers who seem to vary considerably with their expectations and rewards. For most it is a tolerable way of life but stories abound of employer abuse and blatant disregard for the human condition. The Singapore Lonely Planet has listed several instances of such abuse ranging from mental cruelty, to neglect, the withholding of wages and sexual abuse.

On the other hand there are stories of happiness including employers who pay bonuses, provide very good working conditions and who are generous with time off, payment of return fares home, support for family members and long periods of employment.

Our grand daughter is indeed fortunate to have a maid who takes excellent care of her despite her sometimes demanding behaviour!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Friends on tour

Riki from Room 5, and Kiki the Kiwi from Room 6, Wilbur from Room 3 and Kiwiana from Room 16 enjoy some time beside the pool at Katong Gardens, Singapore.

Here are our friends from Nelson Central School enjoying some of the local fruits - mangosteen and passion fruit.